Export order reports to Excel files

Export order reports to Excel files

Export order reports to Excel files For convenient review and reconciliation of sales information for restaurant/diner, you can quickly export order reports from GoF&B to Excel files. This allows for flexible data processing and the creation of customized reports tailored … Continued
View analytics and customer reports

View analytics and customer reports

View analytics and customer reports With GoF&B’s customer overview report, you gain useful insights into your customers, allowing you to better understand their needs and implement strategies to enhance conversions. Step-by-step guide: Step 1: Go to the GoF&B admin page … Continued
Track and export inventory history 

Track and export inventory history 

Track and export inventory history By keeping track of inventory, you can better manage the purchasing and storage costs. Knowing the exact amount of ingredients on hand helps in making informed purchasing decisions and avoiding overstocking or stockouts. Besides that, … Continued
Export a revenue report to an Excel file

Export a revenue report to an Excel file

Export a revenue report to an Excel file When you export revenue reports from GoSELL software to an Excel file, you can perform in-depth analysis using filters, charts, and formulas. The report can also be easily customized to meet the … Continued
View analytics and revenue reports

View analytics and revenue reports

View analytics and revenue reports Monitoring the business situation of your restaurant or diner in real time enables you to make flexible strategy adjustments, helping to avoid losses and financial difficulties. Step-by-step guide: Step 1: Go to the GoF&B admin … Continued
View the staff revenue report for each branch

View the staff revenue report for each branch

View the staff revenue report for each branch With GoF&B’s staff revenue report, you can effectively evaluate staff performance based on their sales, facilitating KPI measurement and appropriate compensation distribution. Step-by-step guide: Step 1: Go to the GoF&B admin page … Continued
View analytics and food/beverage reports

View analytics and food/beverage reports

View analytics and food/beverage reports Using the GoF&B system, you can track the detailed consumption performance of food and beverages, allowing you to adjust the menu for greater optimization and profitability. Step-by-step guide: Step 1: Go to the GoF&B admin … Continued
View analytics – shift reports

View analytics – shift reports

View analytics – shift reports For enhanced staff management, you can monitor performance on a shift-by-shift basis through visual analytics and reports available in the GoF&B system. Step-by-step guide: Step 1: Go to the GoF&B admin page (https://admin.gofnb.biz/login). Step 2: … Continued
View analytics and reports for order and reservation

View analytics and reports for order and reservation

View analytics and reports for order and reservation With order reports, you can easily monitor the business status of each branch in real time. Additionally, reservation reports on the GoF&B system enable more proactive table and staff management. Step-by-step guide: … Continued