Set up a general configuration for a restaurant/diner

You can enter all the information about your restaurant/diner into the GoF&B system to unify the information across other sales channels, making management easier.

Step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Go to the GoF&B admin page (

Step 2: At the admin interface, select Configuration, click GENERAL.

Step 3: At the GENERAL interface, select General Information, complete all the information in the form including:

  • Restaurant/diner information: Business ID, Business CODE, Business Name, Business Logo, Mobile App QR Code.
  • Your information: Full Name, Country, Phone, Email, Address, City/ Town, State/ Region, ZIP/ Postal code.

This is how to set up a general configuration for a restaurant/diner. If you have any other questions or related inquiries, please contact our customer service team via email at [email protected].