Edit or delete existing customer data on the CRM system

GoF&B solution allows you to easily update or remove inaccurate or outdated information, maintaining a reliable customer database. Follow the steps below to learn how to edit or delete customer information on the CRM system. 

The process is as follow: 

Edit Existing Customer Data 

Step 1: Access the GoF&B Admin Page: https://admin.gofnb.biz/.   

Step 2: On the main screen, click on CRM and then select Customer. 

Step 3: In the Customer Management interface, select the customer you want to edit and click on edit icon to update the customer’s information. 

Step 4: Enter the relevant information as displayed on the screen, including: 

  • Customer photo. 
  • Name. 
  • Last name. 
  • Birthday. 
  • Email. 
  • Gender 
  • Country. 
  • Phone number. 
  • Address. 
  • ZIP/ Postal code. 
  • Tag. 
  • Notes (up to 1000 characters). 

These steps are similar to entering new customer information. 

>>> See more: Add new customer to CRM system. 

Step 5: After filling in the necessary information, click Update to complete the process of editing the existing customer data. 

Step 6: You can review the updated customer information in the Customer Management interface to ensure the changes have been applied. 

Delete Existing Customer Data 

Steps 1 and 2: Follow the same steps as in the Edit Existing Customer Data guide above. 

Step 3: In the Customer Management interface, you can delete customer information in one of two ways: 

Deleting Individual Customer Data 

  • Step 4: Select the customer information you wish to delete. 

  • Step 5: In the interface displaying the customer information, click Delete.

  • Step 6: Click Delete to confirm and complete the action. 

Deleting Multiple Customer Data 

  • Step 4: In the Customer Management interface, tick on the checkboxes in front of customer information you want to delete. 

  • Step 5: Click on the trash can icon to delete the selected data in bulk. 

This is the guide for editing or deleting existing customer data on the CRM system on GoF&B. If you have any questions or related inquiries, please contact GoF&B Customer Support via email at [email protected]