Display flash sale campaigns on the website interface

You can show or hide flash sale campaigns on your website to drive customers to make quick purchases, enhancing the conversion rate.

Step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Go to the GoF&B admin page (https://admin.gofnb.biz/login).

Step 2: On the admin page, go to Online Store, select Online Store.

Step 3: Select WEBSITE, scroll down to the Current theme, click Customize.

Step 4: In the website design interface, select the Element icon.

Step 5: Go to the Flash Sale section and click the eye icon to hide or show the Flash Sale campaign on the website interface.

Step 6: Tap Publish to be done.

This is how to display flash sale campaigns on the website interface. If you have any other questions or related inquiries, please contact our Customer Service team via email at [email protected].